Use best-in-class Open Source tooling for your Observability Stack. We keep it up-to-date.
Pay as you Go.
Only pay for what you use.
Always On
We make sure we do not go down.
Connect to any cloud
We host our platform on any cloud.
Configure scrape targets, or a Push Gateway.
Long term storage
We offer highly-available long term storage for your metrics.
Your Prometheus metrics are visuable right away, in the context of your cluster to help you get a quick overview. Link with any external Prometheus compatible client, such as Grafana and others.
Skyrocket your Kubernetes with Managed Multi-Cloud Kubernetes and day-2 operations. By signing up, you’ll get full access to our platform.
After signing up you will receive an e-mail to plan a meeting with us so we can walk you through the steps to get you up-and-running as soon as possible.
Sign upMike Gries, CCO